just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New Digits (Again)

Hey you!

I changed digits again :)

+63 917 863 2654

Why for some reason 80% of my friends sent me this reply when I updated them:



Monday, October 22, 2007

Common sense

It's just either you are sooo darn lazy or you just don't have common sense at all. People can sometimes get very insensitive with their questions that they don't even mind looking/ sounding stupid with their questions.

Think, girl. You are supposed to be an expert on this yet you make yourself look dumb. I pity you but at the same time that is totally unforgivable. Where is the common sense in that?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Don't ask, don't tell

So, yeah! See?

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I so love this --- soooo intrusive!!!
Wish i added the http://www.yes-coke.com/ URL on the wall paper to direct more traffic to the site.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


It was just crazy how things turned out this past few months. My family barely know me at all -- they start going out on dinners and trips without me because (a) i have to work ; (b) i am busy with my own life (c) i am just sleeping.

I need to get out of here, really! I need a long, long, vacation away from here alone.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bah humbug!

I hate Cebu Pacific! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!!! Aside from the fact that it's el cheapo and it gets you to where you want to get... *fuck* i couldn't even think of a pro :(

Okay.. here's my side of the story:

>>>Late... the aircraft was consistently late.

>>>Service sucks! Nuff said.

>>>Seat sucks! Thank gawd it is not free-seating but, yeah, it's all messed up and no leg room at all (considering that I am nearly 5 feet tall).

>>>Food sucks! Okay, okay... yeah i know airline food isn't like your culinaire extraordinaire but it was freakin' horrible! They sell worse than canteen food there and i tell ya... it's like the suckiest of all. Dude, i don't mind paying 2 bucks for a sandwich and a buck for a drink for so long as it tastes like a sandwich.

>>>Passengers are VERY inconsiderate! Common people, i know you were excited and all but, hey, sheeesssshhhh!!! enough with the loud talk... it drove me nuts!

Yes i am in the mood today. Must've waken up on the wrong side of the bed... wait, lemme rephrase that. I haven't slept! Well, yeah i did for a bit...i guess, an hour (?) on the plane back from SG.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

well.. well.. well..


and a choco-covered kiwi to go, please?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Taking things slow


I am overwhelmed and i feel uncomfortable.

Take it slow - fuck, i dunno how!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yes, i need cheese with this whine...

Lemme whine first...

Stupid storm got me stranded on the road for like 3 hours or so with a whinning taxi driver (Manong, would you like cheese with that whine??). He, of course, ended up driving me to where exactly i asked him to take me. Well, yeah, after 3 or so f*ckin hours! Sick i tell you... really sick!

My bad actually, had i brought my sweetie lappie home i wouldn't have tried come crashing to the office... well, come to think of it i hate working at home anyway. Except of course i missed 3 VERY IMPORTANT meetings which would definitely kill me for the next nth days (OMG!!!) plus the time i need to finish my deck and report that are all due.. ermm.. yesterday.

What, chnx, you're losing it! Totally losing it! Focus... girl... focus.
One thing fo sho... this day is not over yet!

On the lighter side, i actually had the chance to check flights and all. So yeah, thanks to Cadz, i'm visiting (more like invading) Matty Watty on the 25th! Sssshhh... erm... sorry was supposed to keep that a secret until he peed his pants off but i just couldn't contain my excitement so just had to tell him. Pffff...

Funny thing. I sent him an email saying:

Dear Mr. Ward

We apologize for the inconvenience but please be warned that a certain troublesome imp who calls herself Chinkey will be "visiting" you inSingapore really soon.

She claims that she misses you badly because you have the most alluring smile and the warmest hug ever. Moreso, she mentioned that she craves foryour soft thin lips and tasty tongue. She said she wouldn't take "no"and/or "dead busy" for an answer and is advising you prepare yourself forthis invasion!

Her flight details are as follows:

We wish you luck.

Thank you and kind regards.

And then he replied with this:

Dear Ms. Llave,

Thank you for the advance warning. This gives me just enough time to prepare myself, as I know I will need a lot of preparation for the onslaught that awaits me.

Although slightly disappointed it is a Saturday night arrival and not aFriday night arrival.... :(

Once again, thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Kind regards,
Mr. Ward

I know we are cheesy! :P

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Great weekend that was

Oh, well, you know...

More pics here.
A 3-day off from work (well at least we tried to)... AMAZING!
Not for anything but I think the place is really great :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Kuu ki kiat!

It's Monday and outside the skies are gloomy. I so hate it when the weather is like this. Seems like we are going through a very, very long dry season. It should be storming around this time of the month but, hell, there has been a massive government effort to seed the clouds just to rain. Why can't things happen the way it should be? Why won't it rain? Stupid drought...

Sunday, August 05, 2007


I have never been really driven to learn a sport until today.

Me and family were supposed to play badminton this afternoon (me uber psyched as I haven't played sports in ages. I am busy.. i know!). The courts were full and we had to wait until 7pm. The long wait wouldn't have mattered if Matisse (the shop where we get our Ipa-nimas and Jackie O.) was open but, no, they moved to Rockwell since last week (oh BTW, i saw their new collection called Nanna... gawd the bags are really adorable. Wish i can afford those! hahaha)

So yeah, we ended up at the driving range near the courts. I can't believe I actually did it!!!

What a challenging sport it is to think that i thought it was the most boring ever!

I think I'm gonna love Golf :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is just so.... surreal.

I am starting a long distance relationship with someone I barely knew.
I feel all jumpy and highschooly everytime my phone says it's him.
I would want to get to know him more.
I feel so special with him.
I crave for him.
I want to spend more time with him.

Thoughts of him are intoxicating me!

I am missing him badly.

Friday, July 13, 2007

if i told you things i did before
told you how i used to be
would you go along with someone like me
if you knew my story word for word
handled all of my history
would you go along with someone like me

i did before and had my share
it didn't lead nowhere
i would go along with someone like you
it doesn't matter what you did
who you were hanging with
we could stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about our own folks
talkin' 'bout our own stuff
all we care about is talking
talking only me and you

usually when things has gone this far
people tend to disappear
no one would surprise me unless you do

i can tell there's something goin' on
hours seem to disappear
everyone is leaving i'm still with you

it doesn't matter what we do
where we are going to
we can stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about our own folks
talkin' 'bout our own stuff
all we care about is talking
talking only me and you

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Geeky me??

3ish in the morning after and really really reeeealllyyyy FUN and drunken night with the team plus Mat and Gary infront of EmbazZzzzzZZzzZZzzz........

Keekai: Ayt, you guys, would love to join you for breakfast but i really gotta bounce. I have 9am meeting later and i have to prepare the preso.

Mat: ..........You geek!

Keekai: Wow, Mat you are the very first person who called me a geek! Ngurks :P

NewMedia Philippines
Work hard, Play harder
This is how we roll...


I know i need sleep. I'm on a work high *sniff* *sniff*

Monday, July 09, 2007

You just don't...

Holden was right when he said, "... how do you know what you're going to do till you do it? The answer is, you don't." It is, indeed, a stupid question.

Speaking of stupid questions, I always have one to myself at the end of the day. More often than not, it is the same rhetorical question I ask. What is it? Buy me a beer and I'll tell you. No, make that a glass of whiskey, soda, and cola. That normally helps me introspect.


Friday, July 06, 2007

Here's mine!

Ya, Jeff, you are right, man. So here, posting mine.

You know what will be great? They develop an e-Commerce tie where we can actually order our Simpson avatar, deliver, and pay via credit card. That'll be so sweet!!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

What's happening online...

Brands now realize how important it is for them to be present online. The online sphere is now getting more and more cluttered as the big players start to take the lead and acquire premier properties to reach their target market. Slowly, they start to rechannel traditional advertising monies to online. It is not really that big of an adspend but I guess the foot on the door has already been set to place.

At this point, it is still a circus in the online media buying and selling industry. Perhaps I'll write about this when I have more time in the future.

Anyway, the reason why I'm posting something now is to share to ya'll this. Well, i guess here is a basic map for you big boys as to how to reach your basic yet very active target market online.

But of course the map above is very western oriented but still applicable in many points.
Here as well is a very good article from BusinessWeek.
Have fun, ya?

Sunday, July 01, 2007


I have been in a catatonic mode for the past nth week.

Not bad, really, not bad at all. It's just that I have been so out of it for the past couple of month that i rarely have had time for myself and my thoughts.

I need a break...

My journal (not this one mofo) is crying out for sense. Actually, it has become as dry as a scalp loaded with dandruff (lol... thinking of work as usual). Bleh!

Nuff said.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Life of a freeloader

After a couple weeks of being a useless freeloader at home, I'm glad i went home early tonight to spend sometime with my kid bro :)

I need to get back on my adventures...

My Lakbayan grade is C-!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.

What i like as of the moment...

Can someone tell me where I can get this umbrella??

I like it so much. Please?

What i like as of the moment...

Can someone tell me where I can get this umbrella??

I like it so much. Please?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Opportunity Costs

Going out with just anybody is not my ystilo anymore. Since when? Since lately. Well actually this started coupla months ago probably after i turned 26. I just realized this last night. No wonder I don't party as much. :P

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Oh Oh

Oh, oh, just want to flag out....

Just got new red SapatoManila wedged shoes and a my very first Jackie O. bag thanks to my every generous Tita! Mwah! You rock :)

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I was tagged by Jazzy girl. :) Heyya, Jazzy!

Sorry, folks. I've been helluva busy lately. Pitch after pitch, campaigns after campaigns, projects after projects, reports after reports... Well you guys know how things are being a digital media slave (LOL). Hey, I'm not whinning. I love what I'm doing... I really do :)

Oh yeah, I just realized that this is my comeback blog entry in ages. I'm glad am doing this once more :)

So yeah, let's roll.

The Rule:Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you (keekai: What?? 6 only??). People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.


KEEKAI's 6 weird things:-

I can’t sleep well if there’s other person on my bed.
So true. I am never used to having somebody sleep beside me for the longest time. Friends, no violent reaction, please? You guys are still welcome here at “zee hole” (that’s how I call my room now because it just ain’t big enough for my taste) for a sleep-over. No hard feelings, ya?

I munch on ice and I stick my head inside the freezer when it’s hot.
I guess these aren’t such a big secret. I love my beer ice-free but I would order ice on the side for my munching pleasure. And oh, when it’s absolutely scorching hot out there, yes I literally stick my head inside the freezer just for kicks.

I love twisted, dark movies.
They are simply different and unpredictable. Need I say more?

I love traveling/ flying alone.
Definitely. I enjoy a good book’s company even for a few hours. I don’t mind getting lost and looking so darn stupid asking everyone directions with consideration of language barrier.

I don’t mind being sunburned.
I love the sun. I love the beach. But if you’re wondering if I am into sea/ water sports… nope, I don’t even know how to swim. I tried snorkeling but it freaked me out big time because I am scared of fish of all sizes and colors. To me, fish = food. Or, fish = pet = aquarium/ fish bowl. I feel so restrained when I’m into the blue. My movements are slow, I’m hard of hearing when I’m down there, I can’t see clearly, and everything is just… floating per se. Sorry but it’s just a different world that I don’t belong. I ain’t no Arielle.

I still keep an offline journal.
I know, I know, I know… it’s already the digital era. Blogs are in considering that I am doing new media stuff. So what? I still keep it the old school way sometimes for several reasons:

1. I can doodle on my journal. Yes, I still doodle.
2. There’s no spell check and grammar check so I can write whatever without being overly conscious of the form. Well neither am I conscious on my blog but yeah, whatever. It’s just funny how I write something and then scratch it off and write it again and then scratch it off again and then decide not to write anymore because I've gotten lazy and decided to do other things instead.
3. No one can read my offline journal. Yes, it’s private!!! An ex-boyfriend read a few of my entries and he got awfully scared of my inner thoughts (LOL I’m exaggerating, I know). Come to think of it, whatever you upload online can be traceable… there’s no such thing as being anonymous online. So yeah, hell yeah.

I am tagging....
-- Cadz
-- Tria
-- J
-- May
-- Issa
-- Danna


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What i really want...

Oh yes... binging on a one-pint cheese ice cream??
Chinkey, you are such a fat ass!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New Digits

Changed my mobile number to 0915 649 7029. Don't ask why as it is so obvious.. i lost the damned thing (AGAIN)!

BTW, i lost everyone's digits as well so please buzz me, ring me, drop me an email or something for your digits.

Thanks, everyone!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Tria, tingnan mo si De Vera o!

Bwahahahaha.... huwwwaaaakkk!!!!

ay, namiiss ko tuloy yung pusoy at chivas. :P

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Paalam, Kuya Danes

It is really amazing how life is so unpredictable. You get to spend a helluva fun time with a friend hosting two of your closest friends' wedding and the following months you just simply ignore his messages because use are so swamped with seemingly important things. Next thing you know, you just enpassingly remember him but then forget to text him anyway. The last yet most dreadful news about him was that he got shot and died instantly.

My memories with you, friend, has always been fun. You never failed to make everyone happiest. Thank you so much for such wonderful memories.

No goodbyes, Kuya Danes, just see you soon :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Partner slash sister-in-law Joan and I started our own little project Chinkeekai in hopes of building something edging from our interests. We devote our time (her -- MOST; me -- most) in this little thing that we hope would be successful in the future.
Erm, well, we are still working on that. *hohuum*

Little did we expect to come across with warm people that eventually turned out to be good friends. World, meet (L-R) Nix and Ricky (The Golden Couple.. they are purrrrfect i tell you... purrrfect!), Joan (yups, that's her!), JT (fellow Arkero) and Oliver (the Chinese guy!).
I have been spending a lot of time with them lately (erm.. 50% yosi breaks, 40% bazaar schedules, 8% road trips to bazaar, 2% more yosi breaks hehe) and these peeps taught me a lot (seriously)!
Oh btw, we might join the GT Tower Bazaar on 18-20th April. Hope you guys could drop by and check some stuff. Calling the attention of Adrian, Jhan, J, DD, Chip, Cindy, Niel, UM Peeps and of course YOU... wala nang excuse!!! would love to see everyone there hehe (oh i hope i can be there, too (assuming i won't be that busy) LOL

Oh, wow!

Oh, wow! I have been home for a year already :P A lot of things happened some are crazy, yet most of it are really nice.

This, i feel, is my own little New Year-- 6th April. Since i got back from a "very long vacation" (that's how i think of my years in Thailand were), things have gotten really different to me. I guess I matured at some point (no violent reactions, please!).

Not bad, not bad at all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Levi's Copper

Just got invites for this (work-related). Cool, huh? Would love to go but as usual projects come first :D Wehehehe

Wella-wella, next time na lang ;)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Real irony

No, A

Here's the REAL irony:

My job is to plan, buy, and execute online media campaigns but i am totally incapable of planning for myself.

This morning, my highschool friend txted me and was asking what my plans are for my birthday as one of our friends is flying home for a vacation. Neat, huh? But then i told her: coolio! let's plan when it's near. And then i realized it's my friend's subtle hint to say, "hey, fool, let's go somewhere on your birthday since we haven't seen eachother in ages."

I know. It's my lame attempt to not think of a plan for myself a few weeks ahead. Pathetic.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Promotion... WOOOHOOO!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hey hey

oh wait, i almost forgot...


Nosy banker

I just had a very erm.. interesting 30 minutes with my new banker.

See, i have to open a new bank account because i am so clumsy i lost my uber used-up Bangkok bank ATM card and i have to fly back to BKK to clear things up yada... yada... yada... so yeah, last Monday i went to the nearest BPI branch from our house and did what i had to do. IDs i presented are my old company ID and my passport (thank gawd those aren't in my stolen wallet). As soon as finished, i was advised to go back the following day to claim my card.

Of course i didn't do what was told. I came back just this morning and this time was serviced by another banker.

Funny, his opening statement was: How is it in Bangkok? Is the traffic so bad because I haven't been there.

Say what?? Erm, nice try squirt. I don't remember meeting you before nor even sharing my Thailand stories with you. Of course i didn't tell him that -- just me and my shrewd thoughts. So how did he found those out.. oh yea, he saw my passport!

Anyway, so i managed to maintain a friendly conversation while he keeps on rambling on and on about his Singapore trips, his siblings there, and his dream trip to Bali. What a funny guy!

As soon as I politely ended the conversation (with him on mid-story), i walked out of the door without even looking back. Imagine, i just went there to claim my card and it took me 30 minutes. lol

Mehn, guys do the silliest things. :P

Which reminds me, lemme just say this out loud:

TO THAT DUDE WHO I HAPPENED TO RIDE THE SAME JEEPNEY WITH (uhuh, i am no prissy ass. i do take the jeep often but that doesn't discount my loathe on taking the public buses.):

Yes, i still remember you.
No, don't feel intimidated.
I am still the same little kid you used to know.
Yes, i know you are taking my picture even if you are trying so hard to convince me that you are just texting.
Shooting my picture is really sweet but very frustrating if you do it in silence.
All you need to do is talk to me.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

I need to fly back to Bangkok

How am i now? FRANTIC.

My parents named me Chinkey not because I used to have really small eyes (stress: used to) but because it rhymes perfectly with clumsy.

Shit, i lost my pink ELLE wallet this time. Along with it are my cards, a couple of bahts and kips, cash, license, tons of receipts that i have to reimburse, and some important stuff.

So now i have to fly back to Bangkok (that's what they told me) to get a new Bangkok Bank ATM Card.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Not true

My Heroes' personality test showed me this.
What a big fat lie.

Simone Deveaux
You scored 70 Idealism, 45 Nonconformity, 29 Nerdiness

You think you can paint the future. Fine, paint one without me.
Congratulations, you're Simone Deveaux! You are a loving, dedicated person with a variety of creative interests. You may however, fall in love a little too easily.
Your best quality: You are a romantic
Your worst quality: You are a romantic

Friday, March 16, 2007


I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling

Jojo, i am so happy for ya!!! You finally went to Paris :) Neat-o! I miss our oreo cheesecake sessions at coffeebean ruamrudee and our swensen ice cream get aways :P Let's do that again when i visit bkk soon.

I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling
I miss traveling ALONE :)

Let me do that on my birthday *wish*

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

borgy worgy

OMG, Borgy Manotoc here at the office :P

Jai said: "Wow, sosyal na ang McCann... dati Kuya Germs lang, ngayon Borgy Manotoc na!"


Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Thanks, Ferdie!

You are awesome :)


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

On credit card bills and nosy officemates

OMG! I really can't believe they actually did that...

I just saw 2 of my colleagues checking my other colleague's HSBC credit card bills. Shamelessly, they kept on giving snide remarks (hello, i heard you from here! It's not like these 3 feet dividers could cover up what you were talking about...) about the her shopping behavior.

Sheesssh, girls. Mind your own business. Aren't bills supposed to be personal like emails and diaries?

Mehn, this means i have to hide my super secret projects (hehehe) from their prying eyes. Who knows what they can do? Or what dirt they can sweep?

Monday, February 26, 2007

A 5-minute Web 2.0 crash course

I love this! This is awesome you guys :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Media PH Rule!!

We rock! We rule!

20 Million badungkadunks in the hizz


It's official... New Media PH is in the zone. I just hope Ferdie will get a spiffed up office soon and, oh, a better lappie for me please? (not that i'm tired of ya, baby) :P

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I scream for Friday!

!awrence - kickstart my day with a speeding tix said:
work sucks, lets quit and just vacation somewhere

keekai swinging her badunkadunks said:

keekai swinging her badunkadunks said:
dont say that

keekai swinging her badunkadunks said:
sometimes i just want to rob a bank and disappear in the bahamas

keekai swinging her badunkadunks said:

!awrence - kickstart my day with a speeding tix says:
lol nice

!awrence - kickstart my day with a speeding tix says:
i officially made tuesdays my day of slacking

keekai swinging her badunkadunks says:
mine is friday

!awrence - kickstart my day with a speeding tix says:
i figured that, but it takes forever to get to friday

keekai swinging her badunkadunks says:

keekai swinging her badunkadunks says:
i couldnt agree more

Friday, February 09, 2007


Now am really bored. Urgh, late!

Anyway, here's to entertain my kabababawan. Great viral for the season :) Click here!


I am not bored. It's just that my brain isn't working today. *toink* *toink* I really need sleep.

Thankfully, my morning passed with a very interesting meeting about mobile and website integration thingamajiggies. Seriously, i think Push It technology is hot!

I spent most of the afternoon downstairs with a supplier talking about projects, cracks, and new jobs. I was actually convincing him to work for us instead thus not mentioning his name here. Hehe Just glibbering, I can't believe Robert bailed! Mehn, you suck!

So anyway, i've worked on some projects... ermm.. well at least tried to... but my brain just wouldn't budge so i started on snooping on other people's link outs. I find this site really interesting. Let's just home i'd have time to list my books.

Nuff said. Tara, let's grab a beer.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Clumsy Keekai Strikes Again!

I lost my pink phone! (again for the nth time!!!)

As i get back from a really interesting slash yosi meeting on the 12th Floor, i realized that i left my thingamajig somewhere. I really couldn't remember where i've placed it (as always) so I spent the last 30 or so minutes of my supposedly lunch break (which i don't normally use) circling around the office as well as going up and down the lift dodging office peeps taking the same carts.

But yeah lucky me someone from FoodPark GT was able to pick it up and surrender to the joint's admin office. Sooooooper thanks to that dude and to the people here at the office for sharing my misery.

See. This is actually the one reason why I don't buy expensive mobile phones.

I am such a klutz!

Had this happened at home, i would've thrown a huge bitch fit and had everyone on panic mode.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


iWhat's wrong with me? Nothing.

I am just work swamped everyday. By everyday I mean Mondays to Sundays.

Not that I'm complaining. I still am enjoying all these. New territories, new learnings.

It is indeed amazing how I 180-ed from a laid-back copywriter slash party monster slash devil-may-care-im-going-or-doing-this-shinggy to a digital media agency slave slash tiangge vendor slash coffee-even-stale addict. Yup, that's me! You're normal busy body.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Sunday, January 28, 2007

My very own M&M

Awesome, Larry, just awesome!

Great viral idea, M&Ms. Git ya own here.

MANkilling feats

On bunking...

On hiking...

On making a big boo-boo...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When Canadians rocked PH! --part 2--

So yeah half way of my story. Foolish me for not finishing. Now where was i...

January 6 - Fireworks *snort*

In the morning, they went to Tagaytay for the every first of month trip my gramma does (which i never get to join. Gimme a break they roll before 6am!). So anyway, in the evening instead i promised to join to watch the fireworks *shivers*. I hate that mall!!!

As expected, we never found a decent parking space and ended up stopping at the middle of the road parked 3 lanes from the gutter. How cool was that? Dodging kazillions of people to meet the other half of the convoy, me and Pe insanely walked about (who cares which part of the mall we were) in dire search of his gf's black medium sized purse and starbuko. Lol! He kept on insisting that there is such a joint :P

The next mission was to help Ninoy change his MI3 ipod case *hums MI theme*. Lame, right? Meeeehh he admitted that anyway *guffaws* (Peace, Ninoy! It was really ok :P)

Last but not the least, where to eat??? It was hell looking for a decent place to eat with all those people prancing around the mall. So finally they started the show and people stampeded to have a glimpse of it. We took the opportunity to grab a chair and ended up at a chinese restaurant where the noodles are surprisingly good (oh i miss Thai street noodles).

And then we rolled... wait, where were we parked?? Oh yeah, on the road!

OMG, twas a friggin street parteeeeee!! All we needed was to crank up the stereo and just start the rave. Well we weren't that stupid of course. The then 3-lane parking turned into a road block. There was really no way out. So yeah we ended up watching the fireworks and they were marvelous :)

Talking sense out of them, instead of going to Malate or Baywalk we ended up driving through Evangelista. Voila! Greenbelt it was! As expected, Ice, Bed, Absynth's crowd were zombies. Why can't people party here like they don't care?? *missing Zantika*

January 7 - Antipolo

Antipolo was the hizz! Going there is always been a vacation to me. Meeh, am not gonna blab here about that... let the pictures tell you the stories :)

Did i mention how they always gang up on me??

January 8 - Chillin'

I so love TOSH's chicken parmegiana... can't get enough :) You know what, I can't even remember the details now of what we did that night. Better check the pix instead :P As far as i know, it was really being alcohol-free and be able to grab great coffee with the dudes.

January 9 -Nanay and Tatay's Anniversary

...and i wasn't able to join then for dinner. Well you know, I had to work :( and ATC is not really a stone throw away from GT. Instead, I think I just chilled with the eTel dudes that night and headed straight home.

January 10 -Rockwall Rules!

January 11 - EWcity sucked!

January 12-13 - Mount MANkilling :P

Meeehhh, let the pictures tell all :P

See ya guys in the dozen years!

Monday, January 15, 2007

When Canadians rocked PH!

Today is the day that they go back home. They haven't left the country yet but I believe that they have already boarded and set to fly back to Toronto en route Japan and Chicago. I am already missing those pricks.

January 1 - Welcome Back!

After a decade and a year, Pe, Noy and Earl with their folks landed PH moments before New Year's Day. Hoohaaaa! The two-week vacation has finally started. As expected, It took them ages to get to Manuela, grandparent's home and where they will be bunking. Oh you know, the typical New Year's coundown ceremonies and the juicy shindigs that follow everywhere. All psyched up with plans for the succeeding days, we rushed to Manuela to finally meet them.

OMG, they are huge! Not to mean badly, but indeed they have really grown collosally beefed up. I have already braised myself for that. Nonetheless, I still can't seem to shake off the thought that I, being a couple of months older than them, now looked so tiny and helpless with them around.

In the morning (errrmm... when i was still bumming in front of the TV and watching Happy Feet), they dropped by our place hoping they could catch me sleeping. Wehehe thank gawd I woke up early otherwise my room will be messier!

We had our usual New Year's Day luncheon cum reunion with rounds of wine and projected videoke. This year, though, we had Pe sang (scratch that-- tried singing... tried so hard hehehe peace!) local songs such as Mr. Suave and Sasakyan Kita which sounded awfully hilarious! Us, girls, needless to say were his back-up dancers :P Dinner was at Market Market! Seafood joint where we stuffed ourselves with soooo much food that could last 'til the following day.

January 2 - Batangas

The longest day ever. We woke up so early as advised but ended up setting off before noon because the car won't start. Whew!

We reached the resort dying of hunger (i know, i'm exaggerating) and in dire need of a clean bathroom (remembering that nightmarish gas station bathroom somewhere in the town after Lipa City). I have always loved the feel of beach sand on my feet until that time. Note to self: It's stupid to have a footspa even days before you go to the beach. To aggravate matters, the sand there are aquarium sand (if there is such a thing). My soles hurt!

Despite of that, there are 3 funniest things J's camera captured:

1. Tatay on pink Speedos
2. The horny dog
3. The betlogs taking their photo with Jollibee


January 3 to January 4 - Subic

Supervised FUN -- that's how we call it. There are so much things to do there (ie. go cart, night life, swing for life, bungee jump... erm, that's too much) but we never did had the chance. One, because we are with the grandparents and they tend to be so cautious (well they are just concerned) ; two, because we don't have J's ride ( read: the official car for the below 30) as "upper management" said we should only bring two cars. Hehe peace! Well, to be fair to them I agree that it was safer that way than to bring 3.

Tita Carolle was so kind to book two 3-bedroom houses. One for us kids and the other for the over 30 :P We were actually imagining ourselves being in one of those reality-tv contest where you are housed in one joint for a certain duration until you get voted out. Guess what, i got voted out first! Haha I was advised to stay with Nanay on the other house across :(

Dinner was in a restaurant with a nice view of the pier (or was it really a pier?) and a funky age-old gigantic fan!

After dinner, we went back to our joint. Packed with local beers and music from J's laptop, us kids just thrashed the joint and spent the night catching up and remiscing the good old days. We finished at 2am and by that time, no one was up to open the door for me and I really don't want to wake up anybody. I went back to the kid's joint and ended up taking the couch instead.

Come morning, breakfast consisted of hotdogs, bread, last night's leftovers, chocolates, kegs of potato chips, egg, and of course the instant pancit canton. Charged with that, the first stop was in the 20 feet water falls.

Awestruck we were when big Earl Jo actually too the plunge! The falls itself is morethan 20 feet high and the puddle was about 20 feet deep as well. He is the only one who had the balls to do it with of course the prissy Ramona :) Yiiihhhiiiiii!! Kidding aside, i personally think what they did was really cool!

Subic's beach is waaaaay better than Batangas'. Didn't enjoy much of the sea as there are no available water activities to do anyway except to swim (which I happen to suck big time). With my ex-vasity jock now big bellied dad Kuya on the team, beach volleyball was the shizz! Surprisingly, Ninoy played really well, too.

The after lunch activity is even nastier. Pepe taught me some yoga moves which i hardly copied... urgh, i really need to lose weight! We threw some sand a bit and then decided to bury Earl. Cool boobies, dude! Woohoo!

El Kabayo hizz came next and a merienda at at the yacht club before we set home.

January 5

Probably exhausted from the trips we had... Friday was dubbed rest day for everyone. Meeehhh not to me at least. I went back to work and then went out with Chip, Neil and Elrond :P Hey, cut me some slack... it was a Friday night!

Friday, January 12, 2007

A messed up project

Yahoo really broke my heart (if i have one) with that email. It really did!

Thanks, boss, for coming to the rescue.

Well, it was my bad... in spite of everything, indeed, its a tough job to manage everyone's expectations. *sigh*

Swinging my badunkadunks up there

Two weeks of irregularity and this is the most awesome thing me and the Betlogs did! Ever!

Never mind the sore and raw fingers and palms, never mind the broken nuts i've caused (newbie handler here), never mind the body aches... I just want to swing my badunkadunks* up there!

WTF is badunkadunks? Let me tell you this:

Keekai: .... i'm like morethan 110 lbs., dude! I really can't go below that with this boobies... it's like 25 lbs. each!
Ninoy: Don't forget your badunkadunks, too!

Friday, January 05, 2007

On compliments and fireworks

What a compliment:

Pagpasensyahan ninyo na lang siya. Because she is beautiful, go ahead and give her the instructions at least twice.

Wahahaha :P

We just watched the Pyro Olympics from the office window. How cool is that? :) Well, ermmm... actually, that just means we are so effin busy we don't even have time to go to Roxas Blvd. to watch. Lame-o!

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