just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bah humbug!

I hate Cebu Pacific! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!!! Aside from the fact that it's el cheapo and it gets you to where you want to get... *fuck* i couldn't even think of a pro :(

Okay.. here's my side of the story:

>>>Late... the aircraft was consistently late.

>>>Service sucks! Nuff said.

>>>Seat sucks! Thank gawd it is not free-seating but, yeah, it's all messed up and no leg room at all (considering that I am nearly 5 feet tall).

>>>Food sucks! Okay, okay... yeah i know airline food isn't like your culinaire extraordinaire but it was freakin' horrible! They sell worse than canteen food there and i tell ya... it's like the suckiest of all. Dude, i don't mind paying 2 bucks for a sandwich and a buck for a drink for so long as it tastes like a sandwich.

>>>Passengers are VERY inconsiderate! Common people, i know you were excited and all but, hey, sheeesssshhhh!!! enough with the loud talk... it drove me nuts!

Yes i am in the mood today. Must've waken up on the wrong side of the bed... wait, lemme rephrase that. I haven't slept! Well, yeah i did for a bit...i guess, an hour (?) on the plane back from SG.

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