just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

keekai on caffeine

Oh no! Not until this morning that I have done full acknowledgement of my latest addiction. I have turned into a coffee addict!

So what made me say that? Here goes. I have been noticing that for these past few weeks, I am sooo cranky in the morning. My day ends and begins almost in a routine. I go home, check my mails, work on my writing while catching up with my friends who are online at the same time, half watching whatever my brother is watching on DVD (lately its been desperate housewives series). I sleep late as usual... always after 12. At about 6.30am my mum bangs at my door, wakes me up, and ask me if I'm going to work. Of course, I will. I go down, pump up the music my brother is playing, or change it to the morning rush, and wait for my brother to finish taking a bath. After he showers, I get under it, brush my teeth, put on standard day-to-day makeup, spend a great deal of time coming up with an outfit for the day, slip on something i like, then of course my shoes, throw some stuff on my bag, go down and out, and wait for mum to lock up. Get to work riding a jeep and a taxi. Then i'm in the office before or a bit after 8am. You know what? After checking my mails in the morning, I rush to the pantry and fill my commuter mug with coffee!

I have been literally sooo attached to my commuter mug that I was saddened when my nephew accidentally bumped the table and broke it. So the following monday, I just had to buy a new one. I have been taking it wherever I go... dinner meetings with friends, commuting to and from office, badminton sessions on saturdays, shopping, etc. Of course it has to be filled with coffee or water.

So again, what made me say that i'm addicted to coffee already? Here goes. I slept last night and woke up today doing the same routine. But then I tried to go through the morning with just having water after I ate my breakfast. So its water... water... water. Guess what? I was in such a cranky-wonky mood! I am sooo sleepy my eyes are literally dropping... so come lunch time I give in and slept thinking that when I wake up I would be different. Well, an hour passed I woke up and still I was feeling bonkers. I couldn't take it anymore... I have to have a shot of caffeine. So I went down and snugged me a frapp.

Haaaayyy... now sipping and finishing my cold and soothing frapp, I feel better. It's already past 2pm but i feel like my day is just starting.

Despite of all these, I have been limiting my caffeine shot to one to two tall mugs per day (one in the morning and one after work meetings with friends). Although, it kinda bugs me now cuz I used to loathe drinking coffee. I mean, before this addiction I am not actually a coffee person. I prefer chocolate drinks, shakes and even milk (and of course beer and other poisons). The only coffee I drink are the ones from my grandma's cup (creamy and sweet) then later on just the starbucks frapp I normally order occassionally. Now, it's a staple to me every morning and I'm starting to be alarmed.

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