just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Girl Ish

Girls are generally irrational.. they have an inherent disposition to become pathologically INSECURE! Talk about femme absurdity. This is just one of the kazillion reasons why i prefer to hang with the dudes. Unlike hoes, dudes are absolutely REAL.

Hey, I can't help it if I possess a nice smile. Don't pretend you didn't see me and look past me when I effortlessly smile to you. Don't be fooled! I am merely being pleasant but I am not your Little Miss Pea-Brain. I see through you and I know how to get even at the least you expect.

I know that you absolutely think that I am good so move it, bitch! Getawtofdwei! I am perfectly capable of what I am doing and I know when, where, and how to ask should there be a need. I admit... I am not a know-it-all but I learn fast... so fast you wouldn't even know what hit you!

Be grateful of what you have other than constantly lint-picking my shirt. Get a hobby, get some new friends, go out and get fresh, find something worthwhile to do, or for St. Crusty the Clown's sake... GET A LIFE of your own. I am not the telenovela villainess you so hate. Guess what, I am real! So, watch out.

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