just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Measly, yeah, but hey i like it!

Bum no mo'! Erm, not entirely. The salary is so measly but i think am gonna like it there anyway. Haaay, finally, i got an offer that i think i would truly enjoy. Honestly I have had offers which are actually neat but somehow i get the feeling that I wouldn't enjoy dong those stuff or that somehow I get the feeling that the job is pointless. That's why it took me a long while to decide. Just so lucky that my family understands my point.

I always wanted to be part of the training team. This time i can do both (that and marketing) plus the greatest part is that i can still wear my bum clothes (erm, actually excluding my fave skimpy skirts and torn jeans) to work when there's no training. I was introduced to the team and I get the feeling that they are really nice... i hope. More kwela-kwentos soon.

Meanwhile, I just finished some freelance copywriting thingy for my old company's ecommerce project AsiaParagon.com. Welcome note reads something like this:

Art is an outcome of a person's expression of his perceived being and existence.
Through Asian Art, the mystical way of life, long-lived traditions and enigmatic
nature of Asians are being mirrored timelessly.
With high veneration to quality Asian Art and in great support to Asian Artists,
AsiaParagon welcomes you to a freeway venue of quality Asian Art.......
Nuff said...don't wanna spoil the surprise 'til it's launched. Anyway, thanks, man, for this but you know darn well i prefer sunflowers. See u sooner. Missumoy!

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