just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Why i got so friggin dark??

Okay... okay... i'm dark! I know so dont stress it out, puhleez! These are the reasons why ok?

1. Thailand is friggin' hot to begin with
2. I went to Koh Larn (Larn Island) baked in the sun without much of a sunblock in my one-piece swim wear
3. I went to Crocodile farm and the Ancient City and its a freakin' oven in these places

Here are proofs:

But my summer doesn't stop here... still have a month and a half to go and a thousand and one places to explore here!

KeEkAi's adventures and oddventures is still on.

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