just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Friday, March 10, 2006

What happens when u drop a lighted cigarette on my piss?

Alcohol.... what would my life be without it?

Don't get me wrong but it seems that my social life wouldn't be the same without it. I am NOT alcoholic (and I am definitely NOT in denial), mind you nosie asswipe! I drink for the pleasure of it and the company it brings... i can drink alone too you know (I have bottles in my condo...vodka, whiskey, wine, rum) but it's just half the fun as when am with my friends.

Everything spins...

I especially like it when I get my friends puking-drunk!

Everything spins...

I so enjoy seeing them hold on for their dear sanity as they spurt out the remains of what they had for dinner including some acid juice and a lot of slimy saliva.

Everything spins...

Hearing them drunk-curse me to hell cuz they couldn't think straight that even their tongues and lips feel so numb is music to my ears.

Everything spins...

You will be hangovered soooo bad and I will still be the same old me the next morning working (or pretending to be finishing my copywrite deadlines at this very moment but actually writing this pathetic thought)!

And later tonight, we will do it again.

Well, what can I say... I am just your friendly next door parrrrrrrrrrrrrty monstah.

So, again, what happens when you drop a lighted cigarette on my piss?

.............. A MASSIVE EXPLOSION!!! hasta la vista loo :-P

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