just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The star has fallen...

Ranting and raving both at the same time, is that possible?!

My Bestfriend: She's fat... way, waaaaaaaaaaay fat! Just take a look at the photos, man.
Me: Heeeey, chill. Nde nman cguro. Some people look fat on photos.
My Bestfriend: Whatever, am gonna take a photo of you and her and will remember this for as long as I live. The best memory ever!
Me: Bastard!


I came to Pattaya not because I want to meet my past. I came here because I want to check out the Music Fest and, of course, to see some people whom I came to consider as my friends as well. To begin with, I met them because of my ex-bf as they are, afterall, his circle of group. But, though started of as a bit off, I eventually considered them as mine, too. Ergo, I am here at their room staying for the weekend and now... steaming!!! Grrrrr.....

I heard her spoke to them about something which i couldn't careless. I didn't know it was her approximately two meters from me. I honestly didn't know! I was busy checking out some websites for my future job in Shanghai.

Damn, no one even called me and introduced me. I think she just went here to check me out. She as well as I am, is anxious to be introduced. But what happened? I friggin' sat here infront of this junk and waiting for my holy crap to fall! I think it would be better if I take a dump at the loo, don't it? I don't wanna impose myself, dont I?

What I learned from this? Aww, nothing much. Am good and my bestfriend is right. I shouldn't be anxious... there is no reason to be.

But anyway what the hell... it's NOT that big-a-deal afterall.

Chill, dawg, chill.

1 comment:

Jhan said...

So, nagkita na kayo ni Falling Star?! *mulat na mulat na mata*

How was it?
Kwento ka bukas ha.... *abang*