just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My cinematographer

"There's a crack in everything
and that is how the light gets in."

There's a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
The unexpected, the uncontrollable,
the unavoidable and the mundane
all impose themselves on the process
of a work... or a meal, or any event
in even the most ordered lives.

Learning to appreciate, to make the
'cracks' a positive part of how thinks
get done is as important to the development
of a work as it is to one's personal growth.

Age may not bring wisdom.
It sure brings a lot more cracks.
The films that are not perfect
are the real reson to do more.
The 'one more' is inevitably cracked
in some way or another.
So you do one more.

You'll get old if you get complacent.
Art and music and endeavour will keep you young.
Be your own most exigent critic (and subject)
and the cracks;
That's how the light gets in.

Christopher Doyle (III), HKSC
His art, dark as they may seem
to me he is by far most artistic cinematorapher

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