just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Joining the Bandwagon: Tagged by my monstrously evolving Bangkok Bud A

Joining the Bandwagon: Tagged by my monstrously evolving Bangkok Bud A

1. How often do you blog? when i find the time or when i really have to

2. Online Alias: keekai, which is actually my real name

3. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? yes

4. What do you do most often when you are bored? i miss being bored!

5. When bathing, which do you wash first? my hair

6. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? yeppers dont ask why

7. What color looks best on you? any except gray, brown and blue... they are boring colors to me!

8. What’s your favorite alcoholic drink? anything that doesn't move

9. Do you believe in heaven and hell as a real place that each of us will go to after death? i really dunno... to me its making the most out of my life and doing the things i can and want to do. afterall, you only have one.

10. Do you find that you have more online friends than offline friends? all my offline friends are as well my online friends

11. What was your favorite subject in school? i hate math. period.

12. Are you a perfectionist? nah

13. Do you spend more than you can afford? let's not talk about finances... i'm so bad at budgeting

14. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved before? duh? i think its too early to think of an answer for this. ask me again when i'm loaded with alcohol. :P

15. Do you consider yourself creative? yeah and all sorts of unimaginable way

16. Do you give yourself the credit you deserve? yes

17. Do you donate time or money to charities? uhuh

18. Have you recently done something yourself that you’ve criticized others for doing? no i believe there are always reasons behind everything

19. What’s on your mind right now? my body aches... damn heavy laptop!

20. Say one nice thing about the person who tagged you and the five people that you are going to tag:

A - my best bud! my brother from another mother. we are definitely tight... tighter than brad pitt's butt. we ruled Bangkok for a good couple of years (that's on and off)... the keeper of my Bangkok at night stories hehehe! he is somebody whom i can really rely on and trust. :) *pssst, mama noodles ko ha!*

i'm tagging: everyone... sorry, i don't wanna bust a bulb thinking :P

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