just senseless laments, ramblings, stories, tales, lies of a true-blue self-absorbed, two-faced, fun-loving badass (irl, she's indeed more than that)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Looooong weekend ahead

Funny. While having lunch with my boss, he asked me what i have planned out for this extra strong weekend. Told him i was actually planning to finally do my beach trip... ALONE if it weren't for this typhoon.

He said, what's the dilly with that?? Why not go with your girlfriends of something.
I told him, noooo, i want to go alone... i haven't gone to the beach alone.
He said, what about company... ur not gonna read a book there the whole time?
I said, maybe i'll meet some people there... or something. Anyway, i want to be alone with my thoughts.

See, even my boss thinks so, too. My boss, of all people. lol

So what if i am?? >:)

Anyway, this storm is a bummer... i would throw a bitch fit if it wouldn't actually hit Manila. Why wouldn't i? Opportunity cost: Solo beach trip.

Ok nuff moping about that. I honestly do not have a long weekend plan right now. *sob* plus i have a campaign coming up on 10th December and all the creative materials are still... errrmmmm... floating? hehe TH team needs all those ASAP :( So i guess i cannot not afford to go OL :P

So guys, would love to hear ur long weekend plans :) and really hope it would be a blast!

Ciao XD

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