I was tagged by Jazzy girl. :) Heyya, Jazzy!
Sorry, folks. I've been helluva busy lately. Pitch after pitch, campaigns after campaigns, projects after projects, reports after reports... Well you guys know how things are being a digital media slave (LOL). Hey, I'm not whinning. I love what I'm doing... I really do :)
Oh yeah, I just realized that this is my comeback blog entry in ages. I'm glad am doing this once more :)
So yeah, let's roll.
The Rule:Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you (keekai: What?? 6 only??). People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
KEEKAI's 6 weird things:-
I can’t sleep well if there’s other person on my bed.
So true. I am never used to having somebody sleep beside me for the longest time. Friends, no violent reaction, please? You guys are still welcome here at “zee hole” (that’s how I call my room now because it just ain’t big enough for my taste) for a sleep-over. No hard feelings, ya?
I munch on ice and I stick my head inside the freezer when it’s hot.
I guess these aren’t such a big secret. I love my beer ice-free but I would order ice on the side for my munching pleasure. And oh, when it’s absolutely scorching hot out there, yes I literally stick my head inside the freezer just for kicks.
I love twisted, dark movies.
They are simply different and unpredictable. Need I say more?
I love traveling/ flying alone.
Definitely. I enjoy a good book’s company even for a few hours. I don’t mind getting lost and looking so darn stupid asking everyone directions with consideration of language barrier.
I don’t mind being sunburned.
I love the sun. I love the beach. But if you’re wondering if I am into sea/ water sports… nope, I don’t even know how to swim. I tried snorkeling but it freaked me out big time because I am scared of fish of all sizes and colors. To me, fish = food. Or, fish = pet = aquarium/ fish bowl. I feel so restrained when I’m into the blue. My movements are slow, I’m hard of hearing when I’m down there, I can’t see clearly, and everything is just… floating per se. Sorry but it’s just a different world that I don’t belong. I ain’t no Arielle.
I still keep an offline journal.
I know, I know, I know… it’s already the digital era. Blogs are in considering that I am doing new media stuff. So what? I still keep it the old school way sometimes for several reasons:
1. I can doodle on my journal. Yes, I still doodle.
2. There’s no spell check and grammar check so I can write whatever without being overly conscious of the form. Well neither am I conscious on my blog but yeah, whatever. It’s just funny how I write something and then scratch it off and write it again and then scratch it off again and then decide not to write anymore because I've gotten lazy and decided to do other things instead.
3. No one can read my offline journal. Yes, it’s private!!! An ex-boyfriend read a few of my entries and he got awfully scared of my inner thoughts (LOL I’m exaggerating, I know). Come to think of it, whatever you upload online can be traceable… there’s no such thing as being anonymous online. So yeah, hell yeah.
I am tagging....
-- Cadz
-- Tria
-- J
-- May
-- Issa
-- Danna